Sukun Hair Oil -120ml

Sukun Hair Oil -120ml


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  • Promotes Restful Sleep
  • Soothe Anxious Stressful Feeling
  • Calms Hightended Emotion
  • Provides Good Sleep
Availability: 10 in stock SKU: 7912300000532
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  • Promotes Restful Sleep
  • Soothe Anxious Stressful Feeling
  • Calms Hightended Emotion
  • Provides Good Sleep

Additional information

Weight 94 g
Dimensions 20 × 20 × 50 mm


Use a mild cleanser or soap and lukewarm water to ensure the area is clean and free from any dirt or debris. Pat the area dry with a clean towel or air-dry it before applying the oil. Take a small amount of vitiligo oil and apply it to the affected area. Massage the oil into the skin using gentle circular motions until it is fully absorbed. Be careful not to apply too much pressure, as this can irritate the skin. Depending on the instructions provided by healthcare professional, you may need to repeat the application of the vitiligo oil This may include avoiding exposure to sunlight, using sunscreen, or making dietary changes to support the effectiveness of the oil. (Result will vary person to person)

Babchi oil, Ginkgo bilabo oil, Jatamansi oil, Neem oil, Kharidra oil.


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